
One the projects I am currently working on is about machine learning, more precisely about neural network. The aim is to train a neural network to detect faces on an image. To do so, we used caffe, a well-known framework for Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In short, a CNN is a neural network processing on images. The main problem with caffe is its documentation, so I’d like to explain how to use it, as simply as I can.


Install caffe

The installation of caffe can be quite difficult. Some people use a Virtual Machine, I prefer using docker: it is lighter, and I had some problems with VM and caffe. Of course, you need docker installed

First, you need to download caffe.

git clone

Then, we build the docker image (it will take some time):

cd caffe/docker
docker build -t caffe:cpu standalone/cpu

This step installed all needed dependencies to make caffe work.

Now, we will launch the docker container, with a shell access. Moreover, we mount a volume (/datas into the docker container) of datas from our computer to be able to access it from docker.

docker run -ti -v /path/to/folder/conf_and_images_for_caffe/:/datas caffe:cpu bash

Important: When you are in the docker container, caffe is installed in /opt/caffe/

##Convert your training images to the right format To create a CNN, you need to give it datas so that it can learn. You need to have many images, divided in two categories here: faces and non-faces. Caffe needs a specific format to be trained : LMDB (default) or LevelDB. To convert you images to LMDB, you can use a tool included in caffe :

cd /datas
/opt/caffe/build/tools/convert_imageset --shuffle --gray train_images/ posneg.txt train_lmdb

train_images is the folder when you have your training images. posneg.txt is a file with a line for each image, containing the path to the image relative to train_images, and the corresponding class (face or non-face), it looks like this :

Image000605.pgm 1
Image000607.pgm 1
Image000608.pgm 0

Finally, train_lmdb is the output, used in the next steps to train the CNN.

##Train the CNN To train the CNN, you will need to specify two files :

  1. a config file : number of iterations, the learning rate …
  2. a file describing the architecture of the CNN (number of layers etc).

Take a look here. The solver.prototxt is the config file, and the train_val.prototxt is the description of the architecture of the CNN. As you can see, the solver.prototxt contains the train_val.prototxt.

Last thing before training your CNN, you need to specify the path to your train_lmdb (that you generated with convert_imageset) in the train_val.protoxt. Open it, find the TRAIN layer, and replace the source field, in data_param, by the path to your train_lmdb.

To train the CNN, you will do :

caffe train -solver solver.prototxt

This will generate two files. A .caffemodel, ready for deployment, and a .solverstate, used to keep doing modifications to the CNN later. To deploy, I recommand making a deploy.protoxt file, like here. It is the same as train_val.prototxt, without a data layer instead of TRAIN and TEST layers, and an ending layer specifying that we want a classification as the output:

layer {
  name: "prob"
  type: "Softmax"
  bottom: "fc8"
  top: "prob"

The bottom field is the name of the last layer of your CNN.

Deploy to production with python

Now that we have a working CNN, we want to use it with pycaffe, the python interface for caffe. It is not very well documented, but it works.

The basic usage you have of a CNN is to use it with an image to determine the class of this image, that’s what we are going to do. Create a file into the volume you share with docker, and add a code like this :

import caffe
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

#we choose the mode (cpu or gpu)

#we use our CNN. the first argument is the architecture of our CNN, the second one are the weights
net = caffe.Net('/datas/deploy.prototxt', '/datas/facenet_iter_200000.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)

#we create a transformer that resize the shape of our datas to give it to the CNN
#here my image is read as width*height*colorchannel (1 here because I work in black and white)
transformer ={'data': net.blobs['data'].data.shape})
transformer.set_transpose('data', (2,0,1))  # (36,36,1) -> (1,36,36), seen as (1,1,36,36) to the network
#we load our image, and we preprocess it                          
im ='/datas/train_images/1/Image000605.pgm', color=False)
image_transformed = transformer.preprocess('data', im)

#we give it as the data to our CNN
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = image_transformed

#we make the CNN work
out = net.forward()

#we get the class
print out['prob']

# result [[ 0.01239852  0.98760146]] -> the more likely class is the second one (face), so this image is a face.

#we have to change the train_val.prototxt to deploy.prototxt. Then, we remove the train and test label, and put this one 
#layer {
#  name: "data"
#  type: "Input"
 # top: "data"
 # top: "label"
 # input_param { shape: {dim: 1 dim: 1 dim: 36 dim: 36 } }
# and at the end we specify that we want a classification as the output
# layer {
#  name: "prob"
#  type: "Softmax"
#  bottom: "fc8"
#  top: "prob"

I think it is commented enough to understand.

I hope this tutorial helped!